How to find new videos from the latest ClickView Content Updates

Published on 3 min read
How to find new videos from the latest ClickView Content Updates
Written byJoe Pour

Earlier this week, I posted an article about schools missing out on many library content updates, the reasons why this happened, and how we set out to resolve that for schools. The recent ClickView changes enable us to reliably deliver new video content to your school as fast as possible. No more missing videos. This in turn saves time for librarians so they can now concentrate on ensuring their teachers find the right resources for their classes.

In this article, I want to quickly explain a couple of ways in which librarians and teachers can find the latest videos in ClickView.

Find new videos instantly in your hosted library

We’ve just added a new widget to your ClickView Dashboard, called “Content Updates from ClickView”. Open this widget to quickly find all of our latest videos as soon as they’re released. The videos will be available from your online ‘hosted’ ClickView Library, without your school library staff needing to first download them to your ClickView Publisher. This frees up time for the librarians to identify the best videos and share them with the right teachers.

content updates from ClickView

The new widget replaces our old Library Updates page, allowing you to watch and share our latest releases from your home page.

Teachers will be able to use the videos immediately, and you no longer have to worry about finding that one video that you might have missed months ago.

Generate PDFs automatically

Prefer receiving the content updates as a PDF?  Don’t worry, you can still receive it! To download the PDF, click the “Generate PDF” link at the top right hand corner of the Content Updates page and we’ll email you the PDF for you to share with your staff.

Generate pdf

Managing Videos with ClickView Publisher

If you want to add our newest videos to your school’s Library via ClickView Publisher you can still do that by clicking on the ‘Content Updates from ClickView’ to see the full list of our releases organised by month of release.

Click the ‘Options’ button alongside any video and select “Add to your Library” to add the video to your ClickView Publisher. Within the Options menu, you can also manage staff and students’ access to the video or add it your Local Cache.

Manage videos

Videos that are already in your Library will be labelled, so you don’t have to worry about accidentally requesting the same video multiple times.

labelled videos in library

Library Review Turned On

If you’ve enabled Library Review for your school, each month when we release a new content update all the new videos will be delivered to your Library Review. From here you’ll be able to manage your school’s access to each video. You’ll have 30 days from the videos’ release to decide if you would like to add them to your Library.

Reviewing each video individually can be time consuming. Consequently we designed Library Review to easily add all new titles to your hosted ClickView Libraries in one go via the “Approve all videos” button. We recommend doing this and then retrospectively managing access to any videos you don’t want in your ClickView Libraries via the “Manage video access” option. We’ve already seen most schools prefer to quickly add all videos from Library Review to their libraries. This is because all the videos are aligned to the curriculum and have been produced by educators and specialist consultants for use in your classrooms.

library review

You can learn more about the recent changes to ClickView here.

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